Hey everyone! It's Momo here again! How have you all been? I mean, how have you really been? I know that it is so easy to simply say "I'm good" all the time, but sometimes you just need someone to be there who you can say "You know, I've had a bad day, like a really bad day." So, I hope that we can get to know each other so that we can have real talk, you know? For starters, I'm pretty sure I bombed this math quiz I took today. And when I mean bombed, I mean I had no idea what was going on. But you know that feeling that everyone else knows what's going on but you? Yep, that's me in all math classes, it seems. But, I must keep on reminding myself that everything happens for a reason and that there is hope for the future. Our lives may seem dull and boring at times, but it's these times that remind us that life is beautiful. Each day, there is opportunity for seeing the good things in life-the pretty things that the everyday person would pass by. For example, next time you're on the school bus or you're in the car, simply enjoy watching the trees and cars zoom by. Sometimes, just being quiet and observing the world around you can open your eyes to so many opportunities to be happy.
As I have mentioned, I get bad days too. When my sisters were away at college, I would get lonely. So, I decided to make friends on an app that allows you to teach them English and the other person to teach you the language of your choice. I made a few good friends, but I got tired of the creepers, the one-day friends, and the fakers. But, there was the one person who really stood out to me. This person made me feel happy that I met a good friend online. However, as the days passed, this person stopped texting me first. Our conversations, which used to consist of deep, insightful, long sentences, went to no more than a "how are you?" At first, this saddened me, and it still does, but there are other people who I know that could have the same effect.
So, my friends, I want you all to know that despite the hard trials we face and those "bad days" that won't go away, I hope you all know that you are loved. Yes, it may seem like you are a lonely, unworthy, person who has way to many insecurities, but in the end, it's all about perspective. Start seeing the beauty in each day and thank God for all that He blessed you with. There is hope for the future and bright days ahead, so my friends, you know what I'm going to say right? -
Keep dreaming and lots of love!