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Spring Cleaning in Summer

Hey everyone!

I really feel like blogging today, so why not? Hmm.. Spring Cleaning in Summer. What does that mean?? As you know, it is common to thoroughly deep clean your house in Spring after Winter has left as a way to freshen and renew your home. In the same way, I think that it is really important to get rid of the junk in our life. By junk I mean, any baggage that we carry with us, regrets, past mistakes, toxic friendships, and bad habits.

(Picture credit: Pascal Campion)

During summer, because I get to stay home often, I take advantage of the time and habitually make sure that I am making my bed every morning, putting a load of laundry if needed, clearing the dishes out of the sink, and other chores. This way, I can be sure that I am starting each day in a clean and organized way. If I leave my room messy or ignore the chores, that's when I tend to become lazy and unproductive. However, when I become productive right away in the morning, I can be sure that I have a fresh start to the day. Therefore, this is one of the most effective ways in starting the day right.

Another thing that I have mentioned in a past blog is to clear out anything that's dragging you down or bringing back bad memories in your room, house, phone, etc. Of course, I think that we can definitely learn and grow from bad memories, but I also think that clearing your thoughts and the spaces around you of reminders of that time can drag you down. Start with a clean slate and then feel free to dress up your room and your space with things that make you happy.

However, above everything else, it is most important to maintain our relationship with Christ. Just as we make sure we brush our teeth twice a day, we should make sure we make time for Jesus. He is the One Who can help us the most with cleaning out any junk in our life. There's no past mistake, regret, or bad decision that He cannot forgive and help you recover from.

Much love and keep dreaming,


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