Hello Friend!
So, you’ve had a bad day? I know, sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it feels like everything was raining down on you today and that things went horribly. I know how that feels. I’m so sorry that you had a bad day, but amidst all of this craziness of life, cheer up, my friend!
“Everyone had bad days,” they say, and it’s true, but it’s different for everyone. Maybe you failed something you really wanted to succeed at, maybe you embarrassed yourself in front of someone, maybe things aren’t going well with a friend, maybe you aren’t getting along with your family, or maybe things weren’t going your way. Whatever the case way, I am so sorry that you went through a bad day, and that things didn’t turn out the way you expected. But, through all of this, there is hope!
Each day is a new day, a new, fresh start, and it is a gift. God made the day so that we can live it happily, thankfully, and for His will. So, rest assured that everything will be ok and that God has everything under control! You are so loved, so treasured, purposed, and so very special! Always remember that. Live life thankful, be happy, keep a smile on your face, and always know that you aren’t alone!
Much love and keep dreaming,
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
~Seoul Daydreamer