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Open When: You're Feeling Lonely

Hello everyone! As an appreciation post for my subscribers here and my followers on Kdrama Amino, here's something to help you along life's journey!

Dear friend,

You’re feeling lonely? I’m so sorry. I know how you feel. I know that you must feel like no one’s there for you, that no one can fully understand you, and that all there is no one out there who can fill that void. tIt’s a very sad and depressing time that many people look over and take lightly, even though it should be taken seriously. I’m so sorry that you are feeling this way and I’m so sorry that you had to go through this…

The best way to cure this loneliness is to know that you are never alone. I know that you have probably heard this too many times, but it is definitely true! I, for one, know what it’s like to be lonely, and it’s not a happy place. You may be surrounded by many people, yet feel singled out because you can’t seem to “fit in” or connect with others the way you want to. You may feel lonely because no one’s around you and you can’t find a good friendship or relationship. Whatever the case is, Momo promises you that you are never alone!!

And how do I know this? It’s because I know that there is One who cares about you very much. Trust me, I’m not trying to throw this “religious thing” on you. But, there is a God Who made you for a purpose. You’re meant to be alive, you’re meant to live a life, and there is great purpose for you being here on Earth. I know that you may not believe me, but everything that happens in life is for a reason, and you may not understand why, but it’s there to help you grow into the person God wants you to be. So, know that He loves you so very much, and that with Him, you will never, ever, ever, ever be alone!

Much love and keep dreaming,


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

~Seoul Daydreamer


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