Hey everyone!!
It’s Momo, back again, and I’m here on a mission. I hope that through this post, you’ll be encouraged, feel beautifully made by God, and appreciated. So, get ready, Momo’s about to begin one of her rants!!
Much love and keep dreaming,
It’s one of those days when I look in the mirror and all that I see is a red face full of pimples and a big nose stuck on a round face. It’s one of those days when I force myself to run around the neighborhood because I wasn’t feeling fit. And it’s one of those Saturdays when you aimlessly scroll through YouTube and find videos of people living their dreams and doing all of things you want to do. And suddenly, you feel like you haven’t done much in life and you’re an awkward, pimply, fat person laying on the floor of their room contemplating life.
You think I’m exaggerating? Well, maybe a little bit. But it’s true that we’ve all had these moments when we feel like we’re not good enough or that we aren’t fulfilling some standard that the general crowd throws at you. And yes, it’s easier said than done, but just be happy. Why are you wasting time thinking about yourself and affecting others with that attitude? Yes, it is good to be open and to be expressive with your feelings to the people you trust those thoughts with, but it is also something else to focus only on yourself when you can be helping others.
Like I have mentioned in past blogs, put yourself out there. And to help you with this concept, let me share with you a show that has helped me learn this new way of thinking.
This Korean Drama called “She Was Pretty” is about one of those pretty, popular, smart girls you secretly envied in elementary school named Kim Hye Jin who met a boy named Ji Seung Joon. Seung Joon was bullied since he was a bit bigger than the normal crowd. Because Hye Jin saw this, she befriended Seung Joon and went out of her way to comfort him, especially when his mother died. Their friendship blossomed and they began to like each other.
However, due to certain circumstances, they were forced to split and things changed. Hye Jin’s complexion changed and as she grew older and she became “ugly” to the normal crowd. And consequently, Seung Joon became a tall, handsome, man who still loved the Hye Jin he dreamed of meeting again.
To not spoil the show, (because I highly recommend it) the reason why I brought up this example was because although she became “ugly” to the rest of the world, that didn’t stop her from putting herself out there and not worrying what others thought about her. In South Korea, to be beautiful as a girl begins from a very young age and there is great pressure to wear makeup wherever you go. Sure, she didn’t wear makeup like all the other girls, and wore baggy, “unfashionable” clothes till they had too many holes in them, she didn’t change herself to match someone else’s standards. She didn’t need confirmation from the world that she was pretty and “well put together.”
And I know that this is so easy to say and it’s definitely a constant struggle to look “acceptable” to the world. But just think. Stop what you’re worrying about right now. Clear all of those negative thoughts clouding your mind, and listen to what I have to say. There’s a purpose to our life on Earth. We’re no mistake. God hand-crafted us on the exact day that we were born, not a day earlier, not a day later. He took time to think about how you would look like, so much, that you were different from everyone else in the whole world. And your'e so beautiful that God Almighty values you more than all of Creation. I imagine that He took a “day in heaven”, sat among the stars, and thought about our unique quirks and talents. He probably smiled as He thought of the exact shade and deepness of the color of our eyes or the way that our lips curve in a smile made to fit our face. He designed us so that we would meet people who were also born in the same generation as us, just so that we could cross paths. He made us with a purpose-to use the talents that He gave us so that we can reach out to others and fulfill His plan for our lives here on Earth. And you think that all of this was an accident?
I don’t think so. I think that despite the fact that we have days where we just want to cower in a corner of despair and not look at anyone else, that life is beautiful. Life is worth living, and if all we do is focus on ourselves, we can be missing a chance to help someone going through the same thing. You never know how you are affecting someone’s life, so always behave your best!
And it’ll hurt. It’ll hurt to look at others and compare ourselves to them. It’ll be painful and you’ll think that you can never be pretty or handsome. And it’ll be lonely when you see how other people are going places exciting and how they have amazing jobs-fulfilling dreams and all of those wishes of yours. Yes, it’ll hurt. I can guarantee that. We’re human. But, did you know something? You are beautiful… Just like that.You… You there reading this, are so amazing…And you know what else? You don’t need to be anyone else…but you. Why? It’s because you personally have something inside you that no one else in this whole world has to offer. You cannot be anyone else but you. And if you think that you need to change yourself to be like someone else, than I think you’ve forgotten that the mirror or someone else’s eyes can’t show you what’s inside of you. You’ve got beauty and passion and wonderful things inside you. So, go out there and smile, because life’s pretty amazing. And so are you.