Hey wix family!
How have you been? I know that Momo's been posting a lot lately, so I hope that you don't mind the extra notifications in your email. But, I also hope that you are enjoying this so far! I truly hope that each one of you will be blessed through my blogs and that they make your day happy!
Much love and keep dreaming, Momo
P.S. Art by Pascal Campion
As you can tell from past blogs, I really love this artist! He really takes the simple things in life and makes them a million times more beautiful. His art fits my blog perfectly and I wish that I could thank him in person for making amazing art such as this!
You are Talented
Isn't it funny? Isn't it so funny how we are made of so much happiness and talent, yet, when we compare ourselves to other people, we find ourselves feeling jealous of their lives? It's as if we forgot that the God Almighty above had hand-crafted us, thought of our gifts unique to us only, and predestined us for a great purpose. Yes, of course, it's hard to wrap our minds around the fact that even though there is so many people out there who seem to have their lives put together, that today, you have a purpose. Today was a gift from God and so we should use each minute of it to glorify God. So stop spending your time watching BuzzFeed videos and makeup videos so much and start focusing on what God gave you.
Yes, God did give you something. So, maybe you're in that fifth/sixth grade stage when you don't really know what's going on, but all that matters is that you get good grades and find a friend. Maybe you're in middle school stage and suddenly everything has dawned on you that you need to figure your life out so that you can grow up, please your parents, and fulfill the high expectations you have for yourself. Or perhaps you're in high school and by this time, you are stuck between not caring or caring so much you wonder how you will ever survive college. But, maybe, you're an adult right now, and you think that you're "too old' or that you don't have enough ambition.
Well, you know what, my friend? It's never to late or too early to dream. You know my story, right? I thought that I was untalented because God didn't reveal to me the dreams that I have right now. I only started blogging, since this past summer. I only found out that my dream job was to work in Arirang TV not too long ago, and it's been a while for me that I've realized that I would be perfectly fine as a single lady living an apartment with my best friend and our over-sensitive cat. God has His own timing, and even if you think that this life isn't the life that you thought it would be, always go back to the fact that everything has it's own reason. It's not some coincidence that where you are at came by just some chance. So, maybe you're going through a hard circumstance? That is deliberate and necessary for the bigger picture. You never know who you're going to inspire by your strength during a hard trial. Keep your head up, I promise that Jesus isn't ignoring you. Maybe you don't like where you're at right now? You need to have patience and take each day step by step. God knows what He's doing. It's no surprise, He's got you!
And so, whatever that dream is, keep hold onto it. Maybe it's different from God's bigger plan, but trust me, like what I said, there's a reason for everything. You need to trust the journey, so don't be disappointed if your plan wasn't what you expected because God has something else in mind for His glory. And if you don't know what God has in store for you, keep being patient. Keep doing things that make you happy, bless others, and I'm certain that that dream that you've been waiting for, will come to you. God will reveal to you what you need to have when it's the right time, so hang in there, ok?
And even if you don't know exactly what you want to fulfill in life, or if you do know, hold onto the dreams that you already have. Think of the things that make you happy. It doesn't matter if it's big or small. Do you think that it was easy for me to tell my parents that I want to live in South Korea one day and work at a TV station? Of course not. But, it was that trust and scary step that I took to show my parents that yes, I may be a little bit crazy to dream this big, but I think that a dream that big is worth holding onto. So, be brave when you share you dream! Don't hide it and feel ashamed if you're not like everyone else. Not everyone will understand you, and that's ok. They have their own purpose.
And I can promise you, my friend, that the journey to that dream will have its ups and downs. It won't be like what you've experienced so far. It won't always come as easy as you'd like it to. But you know what? That shouldn't scare you. It should motivate you to let life throw things at you and smile with your head held high because you can do all things through Christ! Just think of all of those circumstances you faced in the past. If you knew that they were coming, wouldn't you be afraid? Wouldn't you want to try to avoid them? But, God put them there to make you a stronger person. He set those struggles in your path to make you prepared for the next step. And look how those hard times sculpted your inner strength into the person you are now!
You know what, screw society's standards. Screw trying to be like everyone else. Screw hiding your real self. I'm going to start living for God and for the little daydreams that keep me going. I don't know about you, but I think that it's about time to start living. So, what do you say? Let's go and save the world.