Hey guys!
How have you all been? It's been a rocky road these past weeks, full of surprises, trials, and good moments. It's been one of those weeks where you feel like you're barely hanging on a thread, yet you can see how God is changing you and molding you into a better person.
(Picture credit: http://anime-pictures.net/pictures/view_post/452710?lang=es)
When people think of a new year, they often think that the year will be much better than the previous year because it's time for changes and you can put things in the past. However, I think that we should also accept that we can't be the same person we were in the last year-we shouldn't stay stagnant. Already, God has been testing me in places where I thought He wouldn't, and despite everything, I've been learning to let go of my pride, the standards that I set for myself, and to say, "Lord, blessed be Your Name."
When bad things happen in life or when things don't go our way, it's natural behavior to be generally concerned, frustrated, discouraged, or even as far as being depressed about the situation(s). However, through the ups and downs in life, I learned a few things:
1. Everything happens for a reason even if we don't ever know why it happens . God has a purpose for everything and allows things to happen because they need to happen .
2. We shouldn't expect everything to go the way we planned it to be, and just because things have been staying the same for a while, that that doesn't mean it will stay there forever.
3. Move on from what's holding you back from being the best you.
4. Trust the process.
5. Invest in people who invest in you.
6. Do what makes you happy and sometimes we need to stay away from people who are "toxic" to us.
7. Don't live your life trying to live up to other people's expectations and don't make unrealistic expectations for yourself.
8. Go where you most feel alive.
9. Our own stories are not worth comparing to other people's.
10. Life's greatest lessons are often learned at life's greatest downs and mistakes.
Through everything, whatever happens, learn to trust where God is leading you and don't be afraid to cry out to Him when you need help. Just know that you may not get an answer right when you want it and that just because you ask for something, that that doesn't mean you'll get it right away. Believe that God has the best plan for you, better than anything you've ever dreamed of, and to let go of all the negativity that's holding you down. You don't need that.
Much love and keep dreaming, Momo