Hi everyone!
So, guess who came out of her room today? Yes! By the Lord's grace, I was able to attend Korean school today!!!!! (And disclaimer, disclaimer, I do not go to Korean school because I am a koreaboo!) I cannot believe that this has happened-I've always wanted to go to this school since last summer, and I think I was even looking at schools a year before then! It's so amazing how God works-I'm curious to see how He'll work in my life in this area.
So, close your eyes, well, just imagine, and enjoy this ride!~
Picture credit: (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ae/ec/ff/aeecff1ab9d84a696b36bded28fe567c.jpg)
To start it off, I had a rocky start. I've been breaking out a lot and decided to try to boost my confidence a teeny bit by putting on foundation. Well, I thought it was a great idea to try and use this one powder pact after some expensive primer. IT COVERED NOTHING! I wondered why I used this powder pact in the past and cringed a bit. Anyway, this expensive spray primer didn't help at all. I thought it would work some magic, but instead, it melted foundation off my face.
So, what did I do? I crisised a bit, panicked some because I had to leave in five minutes, and quickly washed my face. I applied foundation to a beauty blender. The thing is, I got the beauty blender way to wet and I had to use the bigger side. Then, guess what! Here's where it gets funny. I'm using an acne medication that makes my skin peel. So guess what? When I put the foundation on, it did conceal some, but it also attached to the many flakes on my face. And when I say many, I mean my whole face. So, what did I do? I panicked and tried to see what powder on top could do, because of course, that's a great idea. As expected, it didn't do anything, and so I decided that a peeling face was better than my bare face. So, I left it like that and decided that I wasn't going to worry about it. I want to have fun at school! After all, this quote from Kiki reminds me that our life of letting God show us our dreams may not be easy, but there are things that are just not worth worrying over!
Art credit: (http://www.lifehack.org/342682/15-important-life-lessons-taught-miyazaki-films-that-people-often-forget-2)
Then, I got in the car and thought of all the things that could go wrong and the things that could miraculously go right. When we were getting closer to the school after a good 45 minutes, I started to get curious because the street that it was on looked a bit sketchy. But then, as we turned the corner, I saw a really big church! It was so pretty!
Art credit: (http://www.towatchpile.co.uk/2012/01/whisper-of-the-heart-blu-ray-review/)
Nervously, we walked towards the church and immediately, I heard a choir of angelic voices-*ahem*people speaking Korean. The whole campus was surrounded with Korean people speaking Korean and I got excited to start my journey here! I was first greeted by this nice ahjumma who hugged me and asked what my name is. I told her my name and then she asked me how old I was. I told her I was good. You see, she had a very thick accent, I felt bad, but I'm sure she understood!
Then, we walked inside the lobby area. I was told to fill out a registration form and the lady asked how old I was. I told her my age and she gave me a very surprised look. Shrugging it off, I filled out the form while noticing the environment around me. There were parents who were dragging their "so over it" kids to school, the halmonis, and a bunch of other kids. Once I filled out the form, we paid the tuition and then said that I needed to take a placement test. They told me not to worry, but what did I do? Panicked a bit. I said bye to my parents and then started my journey alone up the stairs.
Art credit:(http://s854.photobucket.com/user/lacilu22/media/Landscapes%20Nature%20Animated/tumblr_mb4y01R5Ea1raym3wo1_500.gif.html)
I looked around the office and then was greeted by middle aged women. "Ahh!! Anneonghaseyo!!" They bowed to me and I felt awkward. "Should I bow to them even though I'm not Korean?" "Will they think that I can speak Korean if I reply back by saying "anneonghaseyo?"" So, I panicked, once again, bowed slightly so they wouldn't think that I was rude and then quickly spoke, "anneonghaseyo!!" And guess what? Just my luck and just the beginning of something that I would have to get used to, they begin to fluently blabber to me in Korean. I just nodded and pretended to understand. They soon caught on and began to speak to me in somewhat broken English.
A shorter lady, guided me to a room and said that I would be her teacher. She asked me a few questions and was impressed when I told her that the reason why I wanted to learn Korean was because I want to work there. Another girl walked in. She actually has the same name as me and was super nice to me! And as each student began to pile inside this room, we were supposed to introduce ourselves. Guess who was the only one who introduced herself in English?("My name is Momo, please love me"T-T) A bunch of other kids had the full: "Anneonghaseyo, jeo nun, blah blah blah imnida!" Thankfully, two other people around my age walked in and were almost completely new to Korean, so they introduced themselves in English.
Art Credit: (http://koalasplayground.com/2015/04/22/who-are-you-school-2015-gears-up-for-premiere-next-week-with-new-posters-and-previews/)
And then the teacher told me and the three other new students to go to the office for a placement test. We waited outside and inside for a good 15 minutes until I was called. Again, she started to blab in full Korean and was asking me a question. She looked very confused when I didn't reply and then got the hint once again. Then she asked me if I studied Korean before and I said no. So, she pointed to words on a paper and told me to read them. They were simple words, father, bulgogi, etc. The lady then asked me how my pronunciation was so good. I smiled awkwardly and shrugged off the comment. I continued to read, and there were some harder words I knew how to pronounce, but didn't because I was too shy to.
So, after the placement test, she placed me in the second level!! After waiting in the room we started in for a while, we walked downstairs to eat ! They had fried rice and kimchi. I ate with the rest of the group and then followed one of my classmates to the classroom. Here's where it gets scary. The class itself was pretty hard, but I think that I did ok on his placement test. After school, I walked outside and felt happy. It was nice knowing this as a place to escape to on the weekends.
And that's it! I hope this wasn't too boring! Be ready for more rants in the future!
Much love and keep dreaming,
P.S. My foundation had sunk into my skin and created more bumps and peels on my face. Wonderful, right?
Art credit:(https://www.pinterest.com/pin/550283648205298387/)