Hey everyone!!
So much has been happening that I don't know where to start. After a very long chat with my onnechan, we both realized so much. There's so much that we've put up with, so much that we've been needlessly insecure about, and so much baggage that we should've let go so much earlier. It was really nice to unwind and talk to someone who is stress-free and understanding-even to my worst mistakes in life.
Here's some things I've learned:
1. Stop carrying the past on your shoulders
If you're like me, you're the type to hold on to the past, regretting the things you wish with all of your heart to change and even hating yourself for what you did or happened around you. It's easy to dwell on these things and it's unhealthy. Yes, I know that it's definitely not easy to let go, and that there are somethings that will always seem to linger around wherever you go, not letting you forget, but the joy of the Lord and His mercies are more than enough for us. In Psalm 103:12, it says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." Although we shouldn't abuse this attribute of God, we should know that He is a forgiving God. So, whatever is holding you back from moving forward, put it behind you, don't dwell on it, and bring it to God in prayer. Make things right if needed and know that we shouldn't beat ourselves over our situations.
2. Stop investing into stressful people
If there's someone who makes you feel inadequate at all, if you have jump into a different skin to be around them, or if you feel like you give so much yet feel so empty, then you're in the same boat as me!! There have been too many people who have entered my life and have ultimately made me feel like I'm not enough for them. It's gotten to the point where my best friend has written on Instagram that she has never been close to anyone or that she has never opened up to anyone. It really makes me sad to feel trampled all over when all I want is to make other people feel happy and blessed. But despite this, don't be discouraged, and know that each person who has entered your life has entered into it for a reason. You can really help people by just being a positive vibe in their lives and even if they don't express it, you can mean so much to them! So cheer up! You never know who you are making a difference in their life.
I think this is all I have the energy to write for now. I'm sure there's much more, but for now, all I gotta say is that our relationship with God should be our top priority in life as well as our motivation to live. Rest assured that He has a plan!
Much love and keep dreaming,