Hey guys!!
Being very honest with you all, I had a bad feeling. I felt sick to stomach. I've been tired of people who make me feel inadequate, tired of that feeling when you see hormonal acne that hasn't gone away since 7th grade still there, tired of vibing hard for so many years and losing that passion in a second, and of being in a weird grey area that I feel lost in. It's a hard thing to be growing, trying to stick your feet in shoes that don't quite fit yet, being stuck in a place of confusion. And sometimes, these things can really get to me. It sucks that acne is so apparent, so quick to see, so quick to be looked down upon. It sucks that I vibe for so many things, trying to solidify a dream and sticking to it, yet not vibing at all. And you know what this means?
It means that I've lost sight of what God wants to do in my life now and I've stopped trusting that He will guide me step by step into the future. It's not always in His plan to reveal to you everything you will need to know or have in the future, but He will always provide just enough. When this bad juju feels like a heavy weight on my shoulders, affecting me and those around me, it's when I've lost the joy of the Lord and looked at the storms around me instead of focusing on walking on the water with Jesus.
So, no matter what goes on, know that it's not up to us to establish our life plans. Instead, it's the Lord's guidance that's ultimately leading us in each step. Yes, we should do our best to bless others and be reminding ourselves to be using the gifts God has given us for His glory as best as we can, but know that we cannot promise the future. With that being said, no matter who's in your life, love them. They're there for a reason, and even if you aren't on the same page as them, know that there's still opportunities to bless them and leave an imprint of Jesus in their lives. When we live a life of complaining about this or that, we lose track of how much we're given in life and even of the people who are closest to us. So instead, let's do our best to do all that we can to live happily! (That totally was not cheesy)
Much love and keep dreaming,