Hey guys!!!
I thought I might want to share a few of my experiences to help those who may be younger than me. And if you're older, then get ready to relate!
First, off, if you're in middle school...bless you. I remember those awkward photos that hurt to look at, the braces, the acne....and all those hormones that come out of no where!!!!
Oh middle school. What a very weird stage in life. You're stuck in between the stage of a cute elementary schooler and an older high schooler. You're confused at your own body, your voice, and the surprising and very awkward changes you read about in health class. You've probably crushed on a few people by now, found a fandom you devote your life to, (or a sport if you're one of those) and have begun to try and figure out what you want to do with your life.
In my experience with middle school, I was very...well...different. In 6th grade, I only wore my hair in two pony tails because yeah... In 7th grade, I only wore one pony tail because I thought that all other hairstyles were taboo, as well as any other shoe besides tennis shoes. makeup, and so many other things. I remember in 8th grade, I finally wore my hair down and felt so rebellious. I was extremely naïve and innocent.
My one piece of advice is to just know that you will regret most of the things you will do in this stage. I'M KIDDING!! You'll be fine! Life isn't life if you're not making mistakes and learning from them. But, life isn't also life if you're not living in the joy of the Lord.
So, wherever you are in life, know that God loves you and He has a plan! Keep your head up and don't be discouraged by the hard times in life. And you're never too old or young to start living!
Much love and keep dreaming,