Hey everyone!
As summer approaches, and I'm still in school, I am anticipating vacation! However, I know that all things do eventually come to an end on this earth and school will soon also end. And so as I'm thinking about those hot summer days, I vividly recall all those summers that I spent feeling gross. Have you ever been in a situation before where you've just watched YouTube videos all day on your bed, and when you get up, you feel really gross? You feel like an unproductive mess, and it's not fun! Do I have a solution to this problem? Most certainly! Will I always stick to these tips? Not always. But let's not expect perfection, rather our best effort!
Picture credit: (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/559361216193352829/)
1. Priorities
What's really important? Often times, when we get sucked into YouTube it's probably because we're bored, lazy, and/or we just don't want to do anything else. One thing that I would recommend is that when you wake up, make sure you do all the housework/chores first so that you can do other things! If you start off with a messy house, you'll most likely feel unmotivated to do anything else! I also want to include that it would be good to include as much of Jesus as you can! Without a good foundation, we will not be able to stand. Let Jesus become the most important Person in your life and you will find that you will have peace and joy! Therefore, declutter the spaces around you and start off with Jesus so that you can feel more motivated to do other things!
2. Help Others
Remember the last time you helped another person out of genuine concern? Spending time helping to make someone else's life a little easier will greatly bless that person, and ultimately God! I love helping out other people because it helps me to take my mind off myself and onto how I can be a blessings towards others! If you live with others, try do as much chores/food prep as you can, and maybe even bake some cookies while you're at it! This will help you pass the time as you put on good music and enjoy what God as given you. And if you're living by yourself, I assure you that there will always be a safe way to help others.
3. Turn off Media
I find it way too easy to get caught up in media and the internet. This can be very dangerous as you're opening yourself to the world and its values. Yes, there are many resources and people out there who can help you towards your ambitions and maybe even towards Jesus, but there is also a lot of bad in this world. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly being influenced around others, so be aware of how the internet is desensitizing your standards. Take this time to try your artistic side:painting, drawing, photography, calligraphy, learning languages, baking, reading etc. You'll find that you'll probably be a lot happier and less focused on yourself if you're not glued to your electronics.
4. Begin Something New
If you don't feel artsy or if you just are completely bored with a book in front of you, sometimes trying something new will help! For me, a blog really worked! I find it hard to say it in words, so typing it out is a lot easier! Even if I don't know if anyone is reading it, it gives me peace that Jesus gave me this blog for a reason. I'm just going to trust that for now. You could practice making stock photos and uploading it to shutter stock, you could make videos, music, work in the garden, take up a language, or sew! Hehe I'm getting towards the artsy part again, but there's a lot of opportunity out there if you just look around you! Even a walk around the neighborhood can be very nice in the evening, if you're careful, of course.
5. Take Care of Your Body
Before you reach for that unhealthy snack or meal, always think of a healthier alternative. Next time you want to feel lazy, try stretching, yoga, and jumping around with a YouTube fitness trainer. Even when it's hot, reach for a nice cold water instead of a sugary soda, and work towards a healthy lifestyle. If you take good care of your body, your mind will be at ease and you will be able to concentrate more!
6. Find Fulfillment in Jesus
Finally, I think the most important thing to remember is to remember that there is nothing in this world that can fulfill us. It is not by our outer appearance, our social status, or our smarts that we are defined. Let's find our identity in the One Who is guiding us. For me personally, it is easy to get caught up in my insecurities and in doubting where God has taken me. However, sometimes all it takes is a moment to step back and realize how many blessings He has given us already. And sometimes I get impatient and wish and be envious of what others have. Let's not spend our days comparing ourselves to others when God has given us a unique life to live!
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, take care of yourself this summer:spiritually, physically, and mentally! Remember Who we live for and our life mission on Earth. Try to spend less time on your electrons and focus on your physical health too! I hope you all have a fun and safe summer!
Much love and keep dreaming,