Hey everyone!!
These days, I feel like I have been neglecting my relationship with God.How do I know this? Not only am I three days behind in my reading plan, but I look in the world to satisfy my happiness. But, you know what? It never works, at least not like how God can fill us with the purest joy and fulfillment.
In this segment, I'm going to talk about two key things: "Filling Up" and "Emptying Out."
In this world, I am tempted with so many monetary and materialistic things. I am tempted to invest more into my outer appearance rather than my inner appearance, to focus on the things of this world instead of heavenly matters, and to convince myself that it's all about me. You know, coming from a very insecure and low self-esteem position, I get it. I do think that investing into your outer appearance is important and that it's great to invest into things that make you, you. But, it's when we try to fill a void with anything but Jesus that it becomes concerning. There is nothing in this world that is more important, more worth that Jesus. There is no point to life without Jesus. No boyfriend, (if you're a girl) girlfriend(if you're a boy), person, fame, money, or anything that is anything near to the joy and love of Jesus.
I like to explain it like this:
You see, our lives really aren't about us. It's not about making ourselves look big or feel important. It's all about Him and when we get carried away with the things of this world, when we think that we can find anything more important than spending time with Jesus, than we are wrong. When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses doubted it. But, you know what Jesus said? He says that "I am." This is so profound because He is everything that we ever need. He is our safety, our joy, protection, and purpose in life.
Next, "emptying out." Now that we know that there is nothing more important than Jesus and that only He can bring us true fulfillment in life, we need to empty out anything that is trying to take His place in our heart. I find this most difficult to do because I am a very sentimental person who likes to hold onto things in this life. However, we must make sure that we live our life in worship of Him. He is so amazing and I can't tell you how much we need Him everyday.
I believe that God also helps us to "empty out" the sin and the things that get in the way of our relationship with Him. Sometimes, He reprimands us, sometimes He doesn't allow us to have our way all the time, and sometimes He gives us something we don't want. I am so glad that He has protected me from what I didn't need and gave me what I needed. What I thought I needed, He gave me something better, and what I thought I didn't need, He has given me.
I am so glad that I have a life with Jesus. I hope you realize how much you need Him too. Rest in peace that He loves you.
Much love and keep dreaming, Momo
Joshua 1:9