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Through the New Testament: Ephesians (NASB)

Hey everyone!!!

Do you ever have a problem with keeping to a Bible reading plan? I certainly do! I love spending time in the Bible, but sometimes I find that I force myself to do it out of pure "obligation" as a Christian. However, because I do not want to force myself, I often skip reading the Bible. Therefore, I hope to help my problem by sharing my thoughts as we go through books in the Bible!! I'll leave a few lines if you want to print this page off and write your thoughts/highight! I highly recommend it!:) And if you like listening to worship while studying or if you like to listen on your own, I'll include a song at the end you can listen to.

*I am not perfect so if I ever make a comment that does not line up with the Bible, please tell me!

Ephesians 1

Verse One:

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Jesus Christ."

There are two words that stood out to me in this verse: "will" and "faithful." "Will" is important here because it encompasses so much of our Christian walk from our purpose on Earth to why we live, breathe, and work. "Faithful" is just as important because we can only serve one God. (Matthew 6:24) If there is anything in our heart that is more important than Jesus, then it is not right.

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Verse Two:

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

What is grace? Grace is something that God gives us everyday and is what was seen on the cross. By sacrificing His own Son, He allows us to go to Heaven. And not only that, but His grace covers ALL sins and they are new everyday. He never holds grudges. And then there's peace. Without God, there is no peace in my life. I ache and reach aimlessly to find happiness in the world, but I am always left empty. Whenever you are going through a hard time, or just in your everyday life, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

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Verse Three:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,"

One thing that I always remind myself whenever I begin to hear myself complain about having a hard time in life or when things don't go my way is that God always gives enough. Not only this, but he often reminds us to focus our attention on heavenly things and to not focus on materialistic things that will fade. It is easy to be materialistic when we are surrounded by the things of this world that may attract us, but it is all temporary.

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Verse Four:

"just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him, In love"

This verse always gets me. It always leaves me in awe at how He knows us each individually more than we know ourselves. And not only this, but His thoughts towards us outnumber the sands! He loves us so much and even before the creation of the world, He loved us still.

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Verse Five:

He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,"

Sometimes it can be tempting to try to blend in with the world and to accept all ideas and opinions, but in reality, the truth is only found in the Bible. Therefore, we must know that our identity is found in Christ only.

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